Global Health Lead

elliotElliot Clissold

My Vision is for all SKIP members to feel prepared to go on to be skilled and passionate leaders in addressing global health inequalities

My mission is to to empower SKIP members by promoting awareness of how their work in SKIP relates to wider global health issues

I first became involved with SKIP as a volunteer for St George’s project in Kenya, where I worked a lot on the monitoring and evaluation of our interventions. I was hooked from then on!

One of the things I am most excited about this year is all of the amazing submissions we’ll receive for our Global Award!

Outside of SKIP I’m a medical student at St George’s where I’m involved with Medsin. I’m also involved with Healthy Planet and currently working on a psychiatry project in conjunction with Hargeisa University in Somaliland. Aside from global healthy stuff, I enjoy football (a suffering Cardiff City fan) and running (currently training for the London Marathon!).

Contact Elliot